
Findex Featured in "State of European Angels" Magazine

April 3, 2024
5 minutes

Findex Featured in "State of European Angels" Magazine

We are thrilled to announce that Findex has been featured in the latest edition of the "State of European Angels" magazine, a comprehensive report that delves into the landscape of angel investing across Europe. This inclusion highlights Findex's growing influence and commitment to fostering innovation within the European startup ecosystem.

The Significance of the "State of European Angels" Report

The "State of European Angels" magazine, a collaboration between Nordic Angels and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), provides an in-depth analysis of trends, challenges, and opportunities in the European angel investment scene. The report is a valuable resource for investors, policymakers, and entrepreneurs, offering insights into the contributions of angel investors in driving economic growth and innovation across the continent​ (BCG Global)​​ (European Commission)​.

Findex's Role and Contributions

Findex's inclusion in this report is a testament to our dedication to supporting early-stage startups and fostering a dynamic entrepreneurial environment. Our participation underscores our role in the ecosystem as a pivotal player in providing both financial backing and strategic mentorship to burgeoning companies.

Key Highlights from the Report

  1. Economic Impact of Startups
    Startups are instrumental in driving societal change and economic prosperity. They represent a significant portion of patent applications and are responsible for a substantial share of new job creation within OECD countries​ (State of European Angels – 2023)​.
  2. Europe's Leadership in Early-Stage Investing
    Europe commands over 30% of global seed funding and boasts more than 440 unicorns across 65 cities, demonstrating its pivotal role in the global startup ecosystem​ (BCG Global)​.
  3. The Nordic Ecosystem
    The Nordic region, including Sweden, has been particularly successful, with a strong track record of building unicorns and attracting significant venture capital investments. Sweden alone accounts for over 50% of Nordic VC investments, reflecting its leadership in fostering impactful startup ecosystems​ (State of European Angels – 2023)​​ (European Commission)​.

Findex's Vision and Future Initiatives

Our involvement in the "State of European Angels" magazine is just one of the many ways we are working to build a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem for startups. We look forward to further collaborations and initiatives that will drive growth and create lasting impact.

For more information on our initiatives and to stay updated on our latest news, visit Findex.

This blog post draws on insights from the "State of European Angels" report by BCG and Nordic Angels, as well as data from the European Angel Investment Summit 2023​ (State of European Angels – 2023)​​ (BCG Global)​​ (European Commission)​.

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